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AFCA is a membership based voluntary organisation supporting and representing the voices of foster carers, their families and the children they care for throughout Australia. AFCA works in partnership with other community organisations in the child and family welfare sector to provide the support necessary for children and young people unable to live at home to achieve better outcomes.

Foster carers are people who voluntarily care for children and young people in our community who are unable to live in their own home, irrespective of whether that may be for a few days or until a child becomes an adult. They stretch their family circle to give children and young people the necessary care, safety and support that they require during a very difficult time in their lives. If you would like to find out more about foster care in your own State or Territory, or to become a foster carer, please click here and we will help you connect with them.

Better Outcomes National Foster Care Conference Novotel Brighton Beach, Brighton Le-Sands Sydney 31 October to 2 November 2008


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